Honour Code for Pioneering Educational Training and Translation Services (HC), founded by Al-Shorbaji family is organizing the first-of-its-kind conference on Early Childhood Care Education. The annual conference will be held from 26-28 January 2025 at Golden Tulip Hotel in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Early childhood education forms the foundation for building strong and educated communities. Therefore, organizing this conference that focuses on the quality of this education is a crucial step. The importance of the firstannual conference on Early Childhood Education, titled “The Impact of Disseminating Quality Education Practices on Implementation in Early Education Institutions” lies in addressing the challenges faced by early education institutions. It emphasises the need to improve education in kindergartens and raise awareness about the importance of early childhood, not only among teachers but also among academics in universities, supervisors, and decision-makers.
Holding an educational conference with the participation of researchers and academics from inside and outside the Kingdom of Bahrain, presenting research papers on real experiences that contribute to raising awareness about early education institutions and specifically supporting the early childhood sector.
Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Bahrain Trust Foundation - Bahrain
Assistant Undersecretary of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation - Ministry of Social Development - Bahrain
Managing Director of Honour Code, Quality Assurance Consultant, and Accredited Trainer
Director of Early Education Licensing and Follow-up Department, Ministry of Education - Bahrain
Arabian Gulf University - Bahrain
King Abdullah Medical City - Bahrain
Dean of the College of Early Childhood Education - Mansoura University – Egypt
Mansoura University – Egypt
Early Childhood Expert, Public Authority for Applied Education and Training - Kuwait
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and Children - Bahrain
Child Protection Unit in Cyberspace - Bahrain
Kingdom University - Bahrain
Zayed University – United Arab Emirates
Iraqi Embassy - Bahrain
Member of the National Institution for Human Rights, Chairperson of the Civil and Political Rights Committee - Bahrain
President of Gulf University – Bahrain
Click the button below to download the full brochure of the Early Childhood Education Conference!
We are excited to feature the following workshops in our conference.
Join us to explore cutting-edge advancements and collaborative innovations!
The conference sessions and workshops will be conducted bilingually, and the academic research papers will be published in the Conference Booklet.
Managing Director of Honour Code, Quality Assurance Consultant, and Accredited Trainer
Chair of the Conference
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Registration: Walk in
National Anthem
Holy Quran
Safety Security Presentation
Welcome Speech by Honor Code Educational Training and Translation Services Organizing Establishment
Opening Speech by Dr. Fatima Bint Mohammed Al Balooshi
Speech by the Ministry of Social Development - HE Ms. Zainab Al-Owainati
Early Childhood Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain
A Comprehensive Educational Policy - Ms. Fathiya Ali Ahmed Ayesh
Short Film - What do kindergartens look like around the world?
Coffee Break
Professor Al-Ajab Mohamed Al-Ajab – Arabian Gulf University
Education and Learning Policies: Creating Life through Arts and Knowledge - Dr. Hadeel Talal Alazawi - Cultural Affairs Adviser, Iraqi Embassy in the Bahrain
Speech of the Childhood and Motherhood Association by Ms. Badriya Hermas - On behalf of Sheikha Hind bint Salman Al Khalifa, President of the Association.
Cyber Security for Children - Maj. Engin. Fawz Ali
Brain-Based Learning: The New Model for Learning and the Optimal Approach for Education and Training - Prof. Abeer Alhooli
Interaction Session
Moderator : Professor Mohammed Elbetagi
Reward of Pioneers of Early Childhood Education
Prayer & Lunch Break
Indicators of the Right to Quality Education - Dr. Hooriya Abbas Aldairi
Hidden Hunger in Preschool Children: A silent Threat to Development - Professor Mohammed Elbeltagi
Children and AI - Prof. Mohanad Al Firas
Child Restorative Justice Law - Ms. Fakhreya Al-Sayed Shabr
Child Initiative for Protecting Children from Cyber Extortion - Ms. Amna Al Ameen
Interaction Session - Moderator - Professor Mohammed Al-Ajab
Prayer & Lunch Break
Psychological security among early childhood children in the special education category and normal children - Ms. Ala Bani Salman
Maria Montessori’s Contribution to Developing Children’s Critical Thinking Skills - Dr. Lila Ali Alhashim
Alignment and Institutional Work - Ms. Hala Ebrahim AL-Jowder
The Impact of the Wonders Program on Developing Critical Thinking, Social Communication, and Curiosity Among Gifted Kindergarten Children - Dr. Noor Badr Mohammed Al-Jarallah
Containment (The Journey of Incorporating the Child Towards an Equal Society) - Dr. Omnia Shoab
Interaction Session - Moderator - Ms. Hala Ebrahim AL-Jowder
Closing of Day 1
The Kingdom of Bahrain’s Efforts in Supporting Education in Disaster-Stricken Countries - H.E Ms. Jamila Salman
The Role of Assistive Technology and Digital Transformation in Developing Language Skills Among Kindergarten Children in the Third Millennium - Prof. Dr. Sahar Tawfik Naseem and Dr. Ibrahim Abu Zaid
Legacy - Mr. Mohammed Khalifa Yassin
Justice and Equity in Early Education: Ensuring Equal Educational Opportunities for All Children in the Kingdom of Bahrain - Assistant Advisor Hala Abdulhai Al-Kooheji
Al-Amal Early Intervention Center - Ms. Nada Ibrahim Al-Ghanem
Montessori-Inspired Interior Design for Nurseries - Arch. Hana Karoui
Moderator: Ms. Jamila Salman
Interactive Q&A session moderated by Ms. Jamila Salman.
Coffee Break
Support for SEN Children and How to Address Challenges - Dr. Hayam Alsehmawi
BAREC: The Balanced Arabic Readability Evaluation Corpus - Prof. Hanada Taha
Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit - Dr. Jassim Ali Al-Mohannadi
The Healthy Heart - Dr. M. Mohammed Abdul Qader
The Effect of a Project-Based Program on Critical Thinking Skills - Dr. Fatima Yusif Al-Hasawi
Moderator: Dr. Jassim Al-Mohannadi
Interactive Q&A session moderated by Dr. Jassim Al-Mohannadi.
Prayer & Lunch Break
Pedagogical Implications of Generative AI for Young Learners - Dr. Sahar Reyadh Hamza
A Proposed Framework for Identifying Different Categories of Gifted Students - Dr. Albandari Alotaibi and Dr. Eman Al Taher
The Childhood Issues - Dr. Ali Mussaa Alsubhien
Bahrain Society for Women Development: Developmental Services for Children and Adolescents - Ms. Khadija Ali Al-Sayed
Education and Learning Policies: Standards for Training Early Childhood Teachers - Ms. Dana A. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Qahtani
Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms in Preschool Children - Dr. Al-Anoud Al-Enzi
Moderator: Dr. Sahar Reyadh Hamza
Interactive Q&A session moderated by Dr. Sahar Reyadh Hamza.
Prayer & Coffee Break
National Employment Program and its impact on building the child's personality - Mr. Abdul Ghani Omar Habab, Mrs. Manal Hassan Janahi
Nurturing Young Minds: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education - Ms. Maria Gharibian
Early Childhood: A Stage of Innocence or a Power of Experience! - Ms. Sara Alsaiqal
Reward of Pioneers of Early Childhood Education (2nd Batch)
Closing of Day 2
Psychological and social upbringing in early childhood is the key to success in life - Ms. Eman AlRadadi, K.S.A (Arabic)
The True Essence of Education in Early Childhood Education - Prof. Dr. Abeer Al Hooll, Kuwait (Arabic)
AI in Education - Dr. Nadeyah Alreiahi, Kuwait (English)
Protecting Our Little Ones: Early Detection of Child Abuse in Preschool Settings - Prof. Dr. Mohammed Albiltagi, King Abdulla Medical City (English)
Educational Leaderships and VUCA World - Hala Al-Jowder
Analyze children's drawings - Dr. Jasim Al Muhanadi, Kingdom of Bahrain (Arabic)
Teaching Methods and Strategies for SEN for Early Childhood - Dr. Saeed Al Zaharani
Containment (The journey of incorporating the child towards an equal society) - Dr. Omnia Shoab (Arabic)
Psychological Security for Early Childhood Children in the SEN Category and for Normal Children - Ms. Ala Banisalman, Jordan (English)
Young Trader Founder - Adam Al Ameen (English)